

Your support makes a difference

September 22, 2024


On June 3, 2022 we brought a 7-year old child back into the loving care of his parents and little brother, from a centre for disabled children in Morogoro, Tanzania (Mehayo Centre). Read the full story here.

We are still in contact with the family and the father sends us on a regular basis pictures of his son, how he is thriving at home. (Picture 1 & 2).

And of course we support the family because we want this family to stay together. With your support they are able to build a house of their own. Their home is now a rental house and they can be evicted at any time if the landlord wants it. A house of their own offers security and that is what we want for the family.

The child and his younger brother

On their way to school on father's bike

The father (on top) checking the bricks

The bricks