We brought him back HOME
June 3, 2022

In February 2022, he was placed in the Mehayo Centre, a centre for disabled children in Morogoro, Tanzania. Not because his parents couldn’t or didn’t want to care for him, or didn’t love him. They do, and that’s why they wanted him to have access to education too. But where they live, there was no special need class. They went to the village leader and he saw no other opportunity than to place him at Mehayo. After living with his parents for 7 years he suddenly was separated from them and placed in a centre where he knew no-one.
We solved the educational problem and on June 3th we brought him back home.
Growing up in a family is not only a child's right (according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child), it is also in the child's best interest to grow up in a safe and loving FAMILY and not in an institution. Also children with special needs.