FREE documents
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - UNCRC

UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children

Children without a HOME
These questions are answered in this little booklet of the BCNN which contains the latest scientific insights and new examples from practice.
Our chairman Monique wrote the foreword.
Kinderen zonder THUIS

Dit boekje gaat in op vragen als: Wat moet je weten over weeskinderen in ontwikkelingslanden?
Deze vragen worden beantwoord in deze kleine boekje met wetenschappelijke inzichten en nieuwe voorbeelden uit de praktijk.
Met een voorwoord van onze voorzitter Monique.
2019 UNGA Resolution on the Rights of the Child

This Resolution focuses specifically on children without parental care. It emphasizes the importance of growing up in a family environment and the right of the child to a family, opposes the unnecessary separation of children from their families, encourages efforts to reunify families where in the best interests of the child, and stresses that children should not be separated from their families solely due to poverty.
Tanzanian Guidelines on Children's Reintegration

In July 2019 the Tanzanian Government published the "National Guidelines on Children's Reintegration with Families".
It is the expectation that the guidelines will provide professional and practical guidance to all MVC stakeholders in ensuring that children outside the families are successfully reintegrated back into families for their optimal wellbeing.
RECOMENDED BOOKS (not for free)
Children belong in families
Mick Pease

Little Princes
Conor Grennan

Best intentions, yet still causing harm
Florence Koenderink

Understanding the Trauma of Children from Instituions
Florence Koenderink

Understanding the Trauma of Institutionalised Children
Florence Koenderink