Do the best you can untill you know better, when you know better, do better ~ Maya Angelou
From 2009 up untill 2017 as the Dutch Tanzania Foundation, our former name, we supported two orphanages and yearly I volunteered at those orphanages. Thinking we were doing the right thing.
But then the first edition of the booklet ‘Children without a HOME’ found its way to me, and I learned that children thrive better in families and not in institutions like orphanages, children's homes or even large institutions for children with a disability.
The most shocking thing for me to learn was that 80% of the children in orphanages have at least one living parent or other family members who could take care of them given the right support.
I went back to one of the orphanages we supported and I discovered that from the 19 children, 18 had a living parent or other family members who could take care of them given the right support. Only one child was a foundling.
Why did I never asked? Why did I always assumed that these children had no other place to go?
The pieces of the puzzle fell into place. As a (former) physiotherapist, I saw that the children in the orphanage where facing problems like attachment disorders, stigmatisation, children missing their families, but also growth and speech delays. The booklet gave me substantiated, fact-based information to understand why. Because more than 80 years of research shows the negative effects of institutional care to children's growth and development.
Following the quote of Maya Angelou "Do the best you can until you know better, when you know better, do better", we started to advocate that children need and belong in families.
Because let’s make it personal: “What if it was your child?” Where would you want your child to grow up and why? In an orphanage or in a family? Chances are that you’ll choose the family. We shouldn’t want for other children what we don’t want for our own, right? Then why are there still so many orphanages around the world?
Helping vulnerable children is a noble pursuit, but
It is not enough to be well intentioned, we need to be well informed!
Let’s give every child what they need and deserve: a FAMILY!

Monique Derrez - Founder & chairperson
For 17 years I worked as a physiotherapist. After that I worked for the police force and later as a civil servant at several municipalities, while at the same time being the chairperson of our foundation, supporting several life changing projects in Tanzania.
I always wanted to share my knowledge as a physiotherapist with collegeas in Africa. So when in 2008 I was got the opportunity to work as a physiotherapist in the southern part of Tanzania, I grabbed it with both hands. From 2008 to 2010, yearly I exchanged my holiday in the Netherlands to work as a physiotherapist - my profession at that time - in a local mission hospital in the southern part of Tanzania. I was a life changing journey.
And like most people I wanted to do more. So together with two others I founded and NGO and we support several projects, like building water wells, a kindergarden and supported a health care centre with equipment and a operating room so they can perform cesearean sections in emergency.
But we also supported two orphanages and I started to volunteer at those orphanages, thinking I was doing the right thing. But I wasn't. In 2017 I learned that children thrive better in families. And since then I am on a Mission to raise awareness that children belong in families, and to prevent others from making the same mistakes I made.

Nini Bos - Treasurer
I live in Weert together with Peter Paul and our beautiful daughter Lizzy. I was born in the Netherlands but before my first birthday my family moved to Curacao. When I was ten, we moved to Transkei, South-Africa. At the age of 16 we moved back to the Netherlands and via Eindhoven we finally settled in Weert.
The things that give me energy are my family, organizing and actually doing activities, my volunteer work and my job at the municipality of Roermond. The things that motivate me are being of significance to somebody, doing something that really matters and making a difference in someone’s life.
Monique and I met a couple of years ago in our jobs. We live in the same neighbourhood. On top of that Monique volunteers at Lizzy’s primary school. When the foundation was looking for a board member I readily offered my services because I gladly dedicate my talents to seeing children grow up in a family.

Yvonne Vaes-Lucas - Secretary
I worked in primary education for 45 years. First as a teacher and later as director of a Community School with a great diversity in student backgrounds (social, economic, cultural). I have always enjoyed my work in education. During my school activities I came into contact with Monique. I enjoyed her enthusiasm, passion and commitment to offering children better development opportunities.
After my retirement I continued to work for children. For example, together with a group of 15 volunteers, I started the initiative to set up a play library. Children can come and play at the play library, borrow toys and games and meet other children and parents. I enjoy the children playing, the contacts with the parents, the relaxed atmosphere and the connection that has been created. Playing is basic for the well-being of the child and conditional for development.
Children should grow up in a family whenever possible, as that is better for their overall development.
I am also committed to Stichting Vlinderkind (for children with an incurable skin condition) and I am on the advisory board of Stichting Samenfonds, a fund that supports connecting social activities.
In addition to my volunteer work, I enjoy reading and walking. I love cooking and baking, take guitar lessons, attend the occasional concert and enjoy babysitting and playing with my grandchildren